Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 11: Greenhouses

  Today Sylvia awoke with the cold I had finally rid myself of after three days. My thoughts cycled through sympathy and guilt. Today was going to be a nice day, and we had planned an excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens at the Kew Palace grounds. I knew Sylvia wanted to go herself, but in the end it was just the three of us guys. I was determined to be her eyes on this day trip. "Take lots of pictures." she hoarsely requested, "I like close-up shots, and take some extra batteries." I did my best to deliver.

  One transfer and a thirty minute train ride later we arrived at Kew Gardens. The grounds are beautiful, but the true stars of Kew are the enormous greenhouses filled with plants brought back by English explorers through the ages. Specimens from all over the world fill the structures almost to bursting. Some plants have been there so long they tower above, scraping the domed ceiling. Tropical, temperate, and desert climates are all represented. Sometimes you might catch sight of some interesting fauna as well. An iridescent green iguana lurking by a pond, or brightly colored butterflies circling overhead.

  As you can imagine all that walking left us parched and hungry. Luckily we found a charming cafe by the station. I have to say The Kiwi Greenhouse served us one of the better meals we have had here. The delicious food came with a huge pot of tea. We dove in rolling our eyes and making sounds that were embarrassingly close to orgasmic moans. We tempted each other with tastes of our dishes. After we scraped our plates clean we each ordered a treat from the desert case that had been seducing us from across the room. Tired, but completely satiated, we boarded the return train with a camera full of pictures and bellies full of yummy goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you got sick!!!!! I hope at least your bed was comfy. The food looks spectacular. Not what I would imagine being served in England. May your days be warm and dry. Alicia
